Sent to Latrobe City in Australia, where was a sister city of Takasago city, as an ambassador from Takasago City, there are interacted with both cities through calligraphy.
Joined the 10th anniversary ceremony of friendly relationships between Takasago and Latrobe city, and held live calligraphy performance. Then, presented his art work to the Embassy of Japan in Melbourne.
Held live calligraphy performance at Times Square in New York, for the first time.
Exhibited at University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and also held live performance, workshops there.
Visited to Sweden for two weeks to make works (abstract paintings) under Yoshio Nakashima who is an artist living there, and also exhibited.
Made works for the stage “HASEKURA project”,that was a performance of contemporary dance in Sevilla, Spain,
Individual Exhibitions
2007: in Latrobe, Australia
2009, 2010, 2012 , 2014 & 2020 : in Kobe
2017, 2019,2021: in Tokyo
2015: the joint exhibition in Ulan Bator, Mongolia
2015:in New York, USA
2017: the public exhibition “ART CAPITAL” at Paris
2017. 2019 : in Tokyo
2018: in Akashi (the memorial exhibition on the special occasions, when he was 48 years old)
2018: in Edinburgh , Scotland
2020: in Helsingborg, Sweden